Brittiska RAVN, numera iManage RAVN, har ingått avtal med ytterligare en nordisk advokatbyrå. Finska Castrén & Snellman meddelar att man kommer använda RAVN:s verktyg för att effektivisera byråns due diligence-arbete framöver.
- iManage RAVN has a powerful solution that enables us to automatically cluster our contracts into separate classes and then perform automated extractions and comparisons to support further analysis and provide comprehensive data. This method is far more efficient, meaning less manual labour on routine tasks and more human capital allocated to tasks which provides higher value for our clients, säger Castrén & Snellmans KM-manager Paula Aura.
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Nu får tusentals advokatbyråer tillgång till RAVN:s AI
The Raven flies (podcast)
Användarvänlighet fick Cederquist att välja Luminance
- iManage RAVN has a powerful solution that enables us to automatically cluster our contracts into separate classes and then perform automated extractions and comparisons to support further analysis and provide comprehensive data. This method is far more efficient, meaning less manual labour on routine tasks and more human capital allocated to tasks which provides higher value for our clients, säger Castrén & Snellmans KM-manager Paula Aura.
Läs också
Nu får tusentals advokatbyråer tillgång till RAVN:s AI
The Raven flies (podcast)
Användarvänlighet fick Cederquist att välja Luminance