Fyra av fem EU-medborgare uppfattar att desinformation, eller fake news, utgör ett hot mot demokratin. Den high level-grupp EU-kommissionen tillsatte i höstas har nu lagt fram rekommendationer om hur fenomenet bör motverkas. Experterna, bland dem Nicklas Lundblad (Google) och Hanna Stjärne (SVT), presenterar bl a tio principer de menar att plattformarna bör följa.
Gruppen undviker termen "fake news" och avråder från censur, övervakning och andra enkla "lösningar" som riskerar att orsaka chilling effects. Istället rekommenderas exempelvis transparens kring hur nyheter presenteras på nätet, källkritik samt främjande och bevarande av mångfald bland nyhetsmedierna. I rapporten föreslås också en uppsättning principer plattformarna bör hålla sig till.
- I am very pleased with our results, especially the commitment of all stakeholders, including online platforms, on the steps we advise the Commission to take. It is a great leap forward on the issue of the spread of disinformation: we have created a robust starting point for a Code of Practices, supported by a multi-stakeholder Coalition, säger kommissionär Mariya Gabriel i en kommentar.
Principerna som föreslås:
1 Platforms should adapt their advertising policies, including adhering to “follow-the-money” principle, whilst preventing incentives that leads to disinfor- mation, such as to discourage the dissemination and ampli cation of disinformation for pro t. These policies must be based on clear, transparent, and non-discriminatory criteria;
2 Platforms should ensure transparency and public accountability with regard to the processing of us- ers’ data for advertisement placements, with due respect to privacy, freedom of expression and media pluralism;
3 Platforms should ensure that sponsored content, including political advertising, is appropriately dis- tinguished from other content;
4 Platforms should take the necessary measures to enable privacy-compliant access to data for fact-checking and research activities;
5 Platforms should make available to their users advanced settings and controls to empower them to customise their online experience;
6 Platforms should, in cooperation with public and private European news outlets, where appropriate take e ective measures to improve the visibility of reliable, trustworthy news and facilitate users’ access to it;
7 Where appropriate, trending news items should, if technically feasible, be accompanied by related news suggestions;
8 Platforms should, where appropriate, provide user-friendly tools to enable users to link up with trusted fact-checking sources and allow users to exercise their right to reply;
9 Platforms that apply flagging and trust systems that rely on users should design safeguards against their abuse by users;
10 Platforms should cooperate by i.a. providing relevant data on the functioning of their services including data for independent investigation by ac- ademic researchers and general information on algorithms in order to and a common approach to address the dissemination and amplification of disinformation.
Läs rapporten i dess helhet här.
Fredrik Svärd
[email protected]
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