Cornell, Harvard, Bucerius, Helsingfors universitet och en rad andra lärosäten världen över har tagit initiativ för att anpassa juristutbildningarna efter teknikutvecklingen och för att förbereda blivande jurister för en arbetsmarknad i förändring.
Cornell Law School är det senaste i raden av amerikanska lärosäten som börjat lära ut teknik, innovation och entreprenörskap.
- The digital economy has raised huge societal, policy and legal questions that traditional law programs simply aren't designed to address, säger Dan Huttenlocher, dean vid Cornell.
- I don’t think in general lawyers need to be technologists, but they need to know how tech works and how technologists think. I can’t code – but i can speak to technologists. Lots of lawyers don't have that experience, and dont understand the leverange and limitations of technology, säger kollegan Charles Whitehead.
Även i Norden talas det allt oftare om behovet av jurister med bredd.
- Unfortunately the legal field and majority of lawyers still see tech as a tool and know very little about its possible implications, positive or negative, to legal processes and services, säger Hanna Pakaslahti vid Helsingfors universitets nystartade Legal Tech Lab.
Följande lärosäten har startat legal tech-program, initierat forskningsprojekt om innovation, arrangerat hackathons och pitchtävlingar eller bedrivit annan verksamhet i gränslandet mellan juridik och teknik.
Harvard - Center on the Legal Profession, The Law Lab
Brooklyn Law School - Law Incubator & Policy Clinic, Legal Hackathon
Georgetown Law (i samarbete med Neota Logic) - Program in Legal Technologies och Iron Tech Lawyer
Miami Law School - Lawwithoutwalls
New York Law School – Innovation Center for Law and Technology
Columbia Law School - Lawyering in the Digital Age Clinic
Chicago-Kent College of Law - Center for Access to Justice and Technology och The Law Lab
Duke Law School - Law Tech Lab
MSU - LegalRnD
Northern Kentucky University – Lundsford Academy for Law, Business and Technology
Northwestern Pritzker School of Law – Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Concentration
Northeastern University School of Law - NuLawLab
Indiana University Maurer School of Law – Center on the Global Legal Profession
Vanderbilt Law School - Law and Innovation Programme
MIT – Computational Law Research and Development
Cornell Tech - Master of Laws in Law, Technology and Entrepreneurship
Stanford - CodeX, Legal Design Lab, Center for Internet and Society och Stanford Program in Law, Science and Technology
Vermont Law School - Legal Innovation Center
Hofstra Law School - Law, Logic and Technology Research Laboratory
Florida Coastal School of Law - Center for Law Practice Technology
University of Pittsburgh School of Law - Intelligent Systems Program och Innovation Practice Institute
Suffolk University - Institute on Law Practice, Technology and Innovation
Berkeley Law, University of California - Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
Ryerson University - Legal Innovation Zone
University of Technology Sydney - AI-program i samarbete med Neota Logic, BreakingLaw Hackathon
Amsterdam Law School - Information Law LLM
Bucerius Law School - Center on the legal profession
Ulster University - Legal Innovation Centre
University of Edinburgh - Innovation, Technology and Law LLM, Robotics and the law (utgår)
Leiden University - Center for entrepreneurship and innovation och Law and Digital Technologies LLM
Tilburg University - Law and Technology LLM
University of Helsinki - Legal tech lab
University of Turku - Master in Law and Information Society programme
University of Oslo - Information and Communication Technology Law LLM
Stockholms universitet - Law and Information Communication Technology, IT-rätt
Umeå universitet - Law & Emerging Technologies, Legal Challenges in the Digital Community
Uppsala universitet - Information och rätt - immaterialrätt, yttranderätt och Internet
Fredrik Svärd
[email protected]
Läs också
Say hello to the University of Helsinki Legal Tech Lab