I helgen hölls ett två dagar långt hackathon om onlinedomstolar arrangerat av Legal Geek, Society of Computers and Law, Storbritanniens Judiciary och HM Courts & Tribunals Service.
Eventet arrangerades av professor Richard Susskind, författare till bl a The future of the professions, och LegalGeeks grundare Jimmy Vestbirk, vars legal tech-roadtrip når Stockholm i samband med LegalWorks Nordic Legal Tech Day i september - då vi utser årets svenska innovatörer.
Tanken med eventet är att bidra till den transformation av domstolsväsendet och rättsprocessen som inletts av regeringen:
"The proposed introduction of online courts in England and Wales (for civil, family, and tribunal disputes) represents one of the most significant reforms to the justice system in the past two centuries. Supported by both the Government and the Judiciary of England and Wales, the motivation behind online courts is to provide greater access to justice at lower cost than the conventional court system. While the government is leading the transformation (and is investing around £1 billion in modernising the courts), it is recognised that the design of the online courts would benefit from the input of the wider communities of lawyers, court users, law students, and technologists."
- Online courts are likely to be the most significant development in our court system since the nineteenth century, enabling far greater and affordable access to justice. This is a great opportunity to contribute to the design of online courts, säger Richard Susskind.
"The proposed introduction of online courts in England and Wales (for civil, family, and tribunal disputes) represents one of the most significant reforms to the justice system in the past two centuries. Supported by both the Government and the Judiciary of England and Wales, the motivation behind online courts is to provide greater access to justice at lower cost than the conventional court system. While the government is leading the transformation (and is investing around £1 billion in modernising the courts), it is recognised that the design of the online courts would benefit from the input of the wider communities of lawyers, court users, law students, and technologists."
- Online courts are likely to be the most significant development in our court system since the nineteenth century, enabling far greater and affordable access to justice. This is a great opportunity to contribute to the design of online courts, säger Richard Susskind.
Teamen arbetade nonstop i ett dygn med att ta fram lösningar. Vann gjorde Wavelength.law med "Colin", en digital assistent och "legal pathfinder" integrerad med Amazon Alexa.
Läs mer om eventet här.
Fredrik Svärd
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